Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Back of my Life Story & The Feast for the Enemy

The Back of my Life Story

"It's a cold snowy day, Jordan sits in a coffee shop sipping from his white hot chocolate, a Starbucks specialty. All of the sudden a blinding light appears and dazes him for only a second, he stares up into the sky to see a gigantic ball of pyro cutting through the even sky." Jordan Janz, a high school student that just wants to get by life with a ton of money, unaware of the wondrous journey that was about to unfold in his hometown. Always curious about the unknown he gladly will go on a wild goose chase to find amazement int he world. But he cant do it alone, he and his trusty friend, Ian Ellison, were going to find where this mysterious fire had bestowed itself upon the earth and find out its origins. This is the amazing tale of hardships, adventures and an undying friendship, how and how the two unlucky heroes triumphed over evil and solved the mysteries of the blinding light and fireball the descended from the cold atmosphere.

The Feast for the Enemy
The ultimate dinner for my archenemies would have to contain chicken, pasta and some variety of poison. I would invite him/her over and explain how I'm sorry about the years of conflict between us and sit them down in my living room and give them something to drink. I would have dinner already in the oven, and a bottle of some sort of deadly poison hiding behind the salt and pepper. I would say in a cheerful voice, "Dinners ready, lets go eat." While they go and sit i would dish out two plates of the chicken pasta, secretly mixing in the poison to one of the dishes. Going towards the table with the two plates in hand i would most likely froget what plate had the poison, due to the fact that i dont work well under pressure. I would give them one plate and myself the other. Starting to eat, we would talk about foriegn diplomatic policies and have other small talk. Then, i would feel sick. I messed up and ate the poisoned plate myself, I made a mistake. ( This is why, in the end, I wouldnt cook for and enemy or friend. )

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