Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Battle for the Books

In the past couple of years there has been much debate on which superhero could beat up who, and today I'm going to answer one of the most grueling conflicts. Who would win, the ghastly Ghost Rider or the daring Dare Devil? I am here to end this conflict once and for all! While Dare Devil is blind, he has a sonar-like ability that allows him to see objects, along with intense hand to hand combat skills. Ghost Rider is a man who sold his soul to the devil, cursed to forever to ride around on his chopper with a flaming skull head, his weapon of choice is a flaming whip that he uses to banish his foes to hell. The answer to this dilemma is obvious, Ghost Rider would kill Dare Devil because of one simple fact, Ghost Rider is a hell spawn, he cant die, while Dare Devil is just some blind guy with some fighting skills. If Dare Devil even tried to get close to Ghost rider, he would be grabbed by the hell whip, and burnt to a crisp.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, after all the build-up, the result is a little anti-climactic. I guess it wouldn't make much of a movie!
