Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baring witness to a cruel deed or a verbally hurtful comment will leave any person feeling uncomfortable and not sure about how to react. Reasoning about whether or not you should step in and try to put the abuse to a urgent halt, or to try and ignore the actions and live in ignorant bliss. It is not until later that one may realise that they completely ignored the feelings of the victim of this event. The hurt and anguish. Being too caught up in your own emotions and not taking the second to think about how this bullied down soul feels is one of the most fundamental reasons bullying is not stopped.

In a blackened out, cloudy day, Princess Margret Secondary School is the glimmer of sunlight that symbolizes the hope for not just a school, but a nation as a whole. The prison-like exterior may emit negative vibrations of the establishment, but this establishment of education is a place of comfort and joy. The student body of ~750 is a glorious example of the ideal school. Cliques and groups may separate the students as a whole, but when need to coexist, the students always step up. Like a honorable colonel of a army, each and every student can take a stand and display leadership qualities and understanding for a greater good. A bully free zone.

Princess Margret Secondary School is the diamond in the rough. A perfect example of friendliness and academics, all seamlessly blended together with a strong mutual calm. An amazing school of the present. The ideal school of the future.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Harry Potter has nothing on me. I am the star that lights the universe. I am a peanut butter and jam sandwich, the smooth kind, not crunchy. I am both Romeo and Juliet. I once killed a bear in my sleep, with nothing but a toothpick. Bunnies love my hair. I seduced mother nature with my boyish charm and Olympian body. I visited a psychic to warn her of her future. I bring a knife to a gun fight, just to even the odds. I am a dominatrix. I eat bread with the crust left on.

Every second Tuesday I fight a dragon. Every second Wednesday I eat dragon leftovers. Protein. On Thursday I have a nap, with my eyes open. My tears are the cure for cancer. I told Pluto that it isn't a planet. I sneezed, and created the universe. I starred in the play " Our American cousin" in April 14, 1865. I am the best man to weddings I do not attend. Macgyver comes to me for ideas. Using only a twig, 3 jube jubes, and raw emotion, I protected the village of Kakapopocachoo from a warthog ninja. After a visit, the great wall of China had to be renamed " the wall" . People ask me what came first, chicken or the egg. I simply tell them, " I did". I speak Braille. My name was in the credits of the movie "Superman" as the drawn inspiration.

Teaching cats to bark is a facile hobby that I picked up on my trip to the 8th wonder of the world. My summer home on the moon. Fear is afraid of me. In a murky hollow, high in the Himalayan mountains, I beat the red power ranger at rock, paper, scissors. Jeeves asks me. A cat once spoke to me. I once spoke to a rock. Unknowingly, I cured cancer in my sleep. In my down time, I move mountains with nothing but a plastic straw. I know the last digit of pi. 3. I was lost in a decollete tropical forest when I learned to speak French from a parrot.

My name is whispered in the farthest corners of the Earth. I threw the ring into the molten deeps of Mordor. I can count to 15 using nothing but my fingers. Wishing wells toss coins at me. Magic. Saving a kitten from a intensely lit-ablaze spruce tree has earned me the title "Best person ever". I phoned E.T. to converse about old times. I once meditated for 18 years, just to better understand the sound of a butterfly flying. Monsters dream of me. El Chupacabra wonders if I am real. In a deep and damp section of unmarked lands, in foliage cover meadow, is where I saw Bigfoot. Santa and I are on a first name basis. Darkness is an absence of light, and Light is an absence of me. I hurt candies teeth.

I have eaten a ghost chile. I have walked to the edge of a table and back again without moving. I have preformed heart surgery on myself, just to see if I could. I have trademarked the word "hello". In the early 18th century, I lobbed a Massive land mass into the Pacific ocean. The next day Hawaii was discovered. I have stayed awake through an opera. I have a tail. I have acquired a skill that allows me to vigorously drink water without hesitation.

But I have never showered.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Breathe and Relax

The epitome of suspense. Pass or fail. That is graduation year, or grade 12, as the mindless students of a prison resembling school would call it. A year filled with struggles, stress, and the over dramatic scenes that plague the halls. Princess Margret Secondary School, or "Maggie", if you will, is my high school that I will be graduating from in the coming months, and it suffers from these defects. Through years of trial and error, I have concluded that stress is the leading factor of kids not enjoying school. Fret not my readers, for I have a mild solution to slide by the year without feeling the stress. The secret is...stop caring. Yes, stop caring, the simplest, yet, apparently hardest thing to do. While this technique is not for everyone (WARNING: involves the ability to remember specific details from no memorization tactics), but it has worked marvels for me. I tend to exercise this by not doing math homework and overall not trying to exceed in any subject that doesn't fit in my post secondary future. This was my greatest accomplishment in the testing of the theory. While not doing math homework but acing tests, I took off a load of stress off my chest and it gave me the time to relax in my day. You can call me an underachiever, lazy, or any other reference that depicts me as a person that doesn't care to do the work; and you wouldn't be far off. I do not apply myself in subjects i do not believe will benefit me. I actually like doing math, but I do not see math in my near future. That being said, I urge all students to not get caught up with the stresses and the repetitiveness of school. Stop, take a breath and enjoy what time you have as a youth in today's world.