Thursday, November 5, 2009

Book blog: The numbers don't lie

In the novel " The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" a quote that really struck me as interesting was " Sometimes a whole population of frogs, or worms, or people, can die for no reason whatsoever, just because that is the way the numbers work."

This quote was used to explain how many frogs there were in a certain ecosystem. With a equation and many variables, scientists found a way to predict the number of frogs in a certain area. But when the numbers where a certain way, they described it as being chaos. Unpredictable deaths for no reason. This amazed me that he compared this way of thinking to peoples lives. Is there a equation that can predict when large amounts of people will die? if people could determine when "chaos" would occure, what could they do to prevent it, or maybe they cant prevent it... What if numbers would eventually catch up to us, and somehow kill us?

A Battle for the Books

In the past couple of years there has been much debate on which superhero could beat up who, and today I'm going to answer one of the most grueling conflicts. Who would win, the ghastly Ghost Rider or the daring Dare Devil? I am here to end this conflict once and for all! While Dare Devil is blind, he has a sonar-like ability that allows him to see objects, along with intense hand to hand combat skills. Ghost Rider is a man who sold his soul to the devil, cursed to forever to ride around on his chopper with a flaming skull head, his weapon of choice is a flaming whip that he uses to banish his foes to hell. The answer to this dilemma is obvious, Ghost Rider would kill Dare Devil because of one simple fact, Ghost Rider is a hell spawn, he cant die, while Dare Devil is just some blind guy with some fighting skills. If Dare Devil even tried to get close to Ghost rider, he would be grabbed by the hell whip, and burnt to a crisp.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Real Taste

Coca Cola is a national monument and a Has world renown for being one of the best carbonated drinks on the market. Its rich taste and undying familiarity has captured the hearts of many people since it first became available in 1886. It is a world icon and shall forever hold the title of being the best drink ever.

Even with Cokes many competitors, Pepsi being the most famous, coke has triumphed over all of them as the best pop out there. Crushing Pepsi in taste tests, coke is indubitably one of the worlds favorite drinks. While Pepsi might have some devoted fans, coke fans still out numbers them. Coke is a delicious and full hearty drink, and is worth having to brush your teeth and exercise a little more to drink.

Cokes magnificiant taste was frist claimed to cure many diseases such as morphine addiction and chronic headaches, and it was sold as a "feel good" drink at drug stores. The secret ingredient was cocaine, and hence the name "Coca". The cocaine gave the drionk addictive qualities, and even now, with out actually having cocaine, people still claim it has some of those addicting qualities. Some people would rather buy a coke then water, which is needed to survive. This kinda gives the sense that some people would rather drink coke than insure their survival. But is it really that good? yes, yes it is.

Coke has been through many changes such as Vanilla coke and coke zero, trying to make it apeal to a more broad audiance. Pepsi and other competitors have followed coke closing but never truly jumping ahead in the market. Even though Coke has gone through so much change and has been loved along the way, Coke classic is still the most popular and overall favorite of the world.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Back of my Life Story & The Feast for the Enemy

The Back of my Life Story

"It's a cold snowy day, Jordan sits in a coffee shop sipping from his white hot chocolate, a Starbucks specialty. All of the sudden a blinding light appears and dazes him for only a second, he stares up into the sky to see a gigantic ball of pyro cutting through the even sky." Jordan Janz, a high school student that just wants to get by life with a ton of money, unaware of the wondrous journey that was about to unfold in his hometown. Always curious about the unknown he gladly will go on a wild goose chase to find amazement int he world. But he cant do it alone, he and his trusty friend, Ian Ellison, were going to find where this mysterious fire had bestowed itself upon the earth and find out its origins. This is the amazing tale of hardships, adventures and an undying friendship, how and how the two unlucky heroes triumphed over evil and solved the mysteries of the blinding light and fireball the descended from the cold atmosphere.

The Feast for the Enemy
The ultimate dinner for my archenemies would have to contain chicken, pasta and some variety of poison. I would invite him/her over and explain how I'm sorry about the years of conflict between us and sit them down in my living room and give them something to drink. I would have dinner already in the oven, and a bottle of some sort of deadly poison hiding behind the salt and pepper. I would say in a cheerful voice, "Dinners ready, lets go eat." While they go and sit i would dish out two plates of the chicken pasta, secretly mixing in the poison to one of the dishes. Going towards the table with the two plates in hand i would most likely froget what plate had the poison, due to the fact that i dont work well under pressure. I would give them one plate and myself the other. Starting to eat, we would talk about foriegn diplomatic policies and have other small talk. Then, i would feel sick. I messed up and ate the poisoned plate myself, I made a mistake. ( This is why, in the end, I wouldnt cook for and enemy or friend. )

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Top 3 Usless Pokemon!

Pokemon are weird creatures that have many odd abilities and can only say their own name. Here are the top 3 Pokemon based on how they are useless, why they are useless and how they don't contribute.

3. Psyduck - I have deemed Psyduck to be the 3rd most useless pokemon because he doesn't do anything unless he gets a headache, even then he only will do 1 attack then fall asleep. He wouldn't be reliable at all in a tight situation and i wouldn't want him to be around. He doesn't contribute at all because he is scared of everything and doesn't fight.

2. Metapod - Metapod takes 2nd place because his complete lack of ability to do anything but sit in one spot.He can't learn anything other than "harden" which does nothing. He absolutely useless in almost every way, other then the fact that it turns into Butterfree later in life, he can't attack anyone or even deffend himself/herself.

1. Magicarp - Now for the most useless Pokemon of all....Magicarp! He does nothing at all but flap around saying his name over and over again in a excessively annoying tone. It would drive most people to the brink of insanity just being around one, which could be used to its advantage. The only attack it can use is Splash which only splashes water around, and is not useful in any circumstance.

So there you have it, the 3 most useless Pokemon you can find, and why they are useless. ( in my opinion of course )

Heroes clash